About Our Library

Wilmot residents have been fortunate to have had a library since 1898. Originally it operated out of private homes. The collection was moved to a room over the town hall in 1924, and there was even a branch of the library in Wilmot Flat in the old Wilmot Community Center building.

In 1972 the Town acquired the one-room schoolhouse in Wilmot Center next to the Town Hall that has seen many changes since it opened, including an addition in 1991. The original back wall of the building ended where the juvenile section is currently located. The addition is the carpeted area beyond.

To build this addition, grants were written, bids were obtained, and a warrant article was written asking the town for $25,000. Thelma Minard did her homework and wrote a long speech detailing the need for the addition, which she presented at Town Meeting. No one asked a question, and the vote was unanimous to appropriate the money!

In 2016, Wilmot Public Library was named Library of the Year by the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association.